
Powerful Concepts: The Missing Middle Layer in High School Classes

Powerful Concepts: The Missing Middle Layer in High School Classes

We discuss the missing middle layer in many high school classes: powerful concepts. When it comes to learning, concepts do the hard work of “middle management”; they give structure to facts that might otherwise seem discrete and unrelated and bring abstract enduring understandings into concrete focus. Learn how we build them into our classes to enable deeper, lasting learning.

How we 10x the learning in our workshops

How we 10x the learning in our workshops

A typical two-hour online workshop is just that: a single two-hour session. There may be breakout rooms or a bit of reading for pre-work, but not a lot of actual work gets done. We discuss what we do instead to create half a dozen learning opportunities from a single workshop, including pre-work, multiple rounds of iteration on work products, feedback from peers and instructors, and “extension sessions.”

Community, Conversation, and Collaborative Critique: the Cornerstones of Our Curriculum & Classes

Community, Conversation, and Collaborative Critique: the Cornerstones of Our Curriculum & Classes

We’ve found that although it takes work to create rigorous, engaging, community-building classes online, it’s entirely possible if you intentionally design for it. We discuss the three holy grail components we include in our classes to make the most of class time: community, conversation, and collaborative critique.

5 tips for Teaching Large Classes Online

5 tips for Teaching Large Classes Online

As part of a new partnership with the Rise Fellowship, we’ve recently gone from running classes with a maximum of 10 students to classes four or five times that size. At these sizes, we had to create new ways of interacting, which, honestly, is fun for us! We love innovating on online pedagogy. Today we’re sharing five things that have worked for us as we've supersized our classes: